Thursday, July 3, 2008

How low can the river go?

I am not very optimistic about the water levels in this drought-stressed part of the nation. Each weekend I ride to the mountains to find a little less water in the rivers, streams and creeks near my home.
Across from our cabin, you can see the trout making waves as they scoot from one side of the pool to another, all because of the low water.
Places where the water came to my waist barely hit my kneecaps. Check out the photo; the water used to come up to where my butt is. No more.
The trout are very spooky.
I read earlier this year that the drought now sucking the life out of this particular tip of the nation where Tennessee, North Carolina and Tennessee meet is like a slow motion Katrina.
It's a major disaster moving with glacial insouciance.
It ain't getting better. So far this year, we have had about 14 inches of rain.
We normally get nearly 23 inches by July 4th.
Soon the trout will need sunscreen.
Pray that it rains.

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